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Topic review (newest first)

2008-06-26 02:06:49

Thanks.  Great feature.

support team
2008-06-19 16:31:34

Dear RichieW13,

We have implemented the changes noted above, please check them out at

Thanks and have a great day!

2008-06-12 23:41:25

Sounds good.  That will definitely be easier than having to try it for every year.

support team
2008-06-12 18:01:07

Dear RichieW13,

Thank you for your input.
It totally makes sense to allow everybody to search not just by year but for all or year range. We think that search for overall will be too wide for some users and in most cases you will get results like 2008 Toyota Prius, 2007 Toyota Prius, and so on, and then some other model. So we will add a year range - year from and year to and make a drop-down to return top 10 or top 50 or top 100 to our "Top 10 By Year" report.

We expect these changes to be implemented within 2 weeks.

Thanks again!
Drive safely everybody!

2008-06-12 16:18:14

I would like a way to search for most fuel efficient vehicles overall.

For instance, I am interested in finding an economy car.  I don't care what year it is.  I'd probably be willing to buy something 10 or 15 years old if I found a good deal.

So, I'd like to run a report that listed the top-100 fuel efficient vehicles of all time, or something like that.

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