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2019-09-23 08:37:55

Thanks for the tip.

2019-05-30 08:06:50

Excellent advice.

2017-05-19 05:11:05

Thansk for the advice Zooby. You should make sure you have the phone number of something like the aa too.

2016-05-11 09:35:11

Thanks....... It was needed to know

2011-06-18 09:31:49

Once you have got your car off the road you should switch on your hazard lights to alert other drivers of your stationary vehicle. It is also important to remember to get in and out of your car using the door that is furthest away from the traffic.

If you do not have breakdown cover then do not fear as you could call a local service station or garage to at least have your car towed to a safer place and then you can arrange for the necessary repairs to be made.

[]Auto Accessories[/url]

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